Monday, March 26

Apple TV

According to the TNT website, my Apple TV has made it all the way from Hong Kong. As I write it's 'out for delivery' somewhere in Bradford.

Finally ... a reason to go to work :o)

Unpacking photos soon!

UPDATE: Crikey ... I've had no time to play with the thing tonight. We've been too busy viewing a new apartment we're thinking of moving into. It's all very exciting, but the Apple TV got left behind. Maybe tomorrow night. Apologies for my lack of committment! Aparently moving house takes priority over new gadget unboxing photos. Damn the female race!



Phil said...

Cool! I'd like to see the unpacking photos - for some very strange reason, I love all that stuff. Unpacking is almost better than using the gadget! And Apple packaging is particularly lovely...

God I'm sad.

Oli Tee said...

Yes, yes. I know you would. You'll just have to wait! (See the updated post)

Phil said...

(cough...) gaylord (cough...)