Sunday, March 30

We're all gonna' die!

It's official. The world is going to end ... in May.

Scientists in Hawaii are trying to stop the final work being completed on the Large Hadron Collider (a huge particle accelerator in Europe), believing that there's every chance we'll end up creating a black hole which will consume in entire Earth. OMG! Run for the hills!

Here's the full story:,2933,342854,00.html

I wonder if we're going to see any of those safety and preparation videos we saw during the cold war. "Black Hole - Complete annihilation of the entire planet - Are you prepared?"

I'd better start stock piling tinned spam and powdered milk.

It was nice knowing you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I always thought Scientists would save the world....

Let's hope Peter Petrelli and friends do their stuff again :-)